If you understand why your body is feeling the way it is, you can make changes to improve things. Bodywise 1:1 Consultations will help you create a body you can enjoy living in...
We use the word anti-ageing to describe how to look young as we grow older. It can however be used to help us to stay younger for longer and of course to stay healthy in body and mind.
Epigenetics (the science behind how genes express themselves) is discovering new and exiting scientific breakthroughs which can help us to achieve these. This means that we can influence the way that our genes express themselves by changing the conditions in our body. This is such a positive thing for us to understand as it puts us in the driving seat in relation to our health and wellbeing. As well as deciding what to eat and drink to stay as well as possible there are also groundbreaking supplements which work on influencing the epigentics in our cells. These can take the form of Nutritionals and Skin Care products which provide the environment for our cells to work as efficiently as possible thereby staying youthful for as long as possible.
Most of us would think that we know a healthy lifestyle is but it probably means different things to different people.
There is no standard formula but rather an approach to our health and life that will bring maximum benefits to help us achieve all that we would like to and to stay well and happy. It also has to be possible for us to achieve this lifestyle otherwise it will just be an idea and not implemented to create long lasting habits.
Looking at how we live in the world means that this can be accomplished with an individual approach and this is what I aim to achieve with my clients. With this in mind we can discover ways of looking after yourself that can be used throughout the whole of your life to gain the most for the ‘life in your years’.
As with a Healthy Lifestyle, a Healthy Body can have different meanings for different people.
For some it is the ability to carry out their daily life unhindered by pain and stiffness and for others it could mean being able to run marathons or tackle great physical challenges. Whatever it means to you, we can probably agree we want our bodies to be able to take us through our lives with as little illness and disabling disease as possible. To achieve a body that we can enjoy living in is all that most people would wish for if they knew that it would enable them to do all the things that they want to do with their life.
All too often we take our bodies for granted and just pray and hope that they keep going. How could it be if we can influence what happens to the way our body functions? Maybe if we took more care and paid attention we could have the healthy body that we aspire to have.
The topic of weight is an issue that most people are faced with at some point in their life.
We usually think in terms of excess weight gain but for some it can be mean not being able to gain weight.
Either way can be distressing and occupy a lot of time and energy in coming up with solutions. With a little knowledge and understanding of the lifestyle and reasons behind what the body is doing and why, a plan can be established to begin to correct the underlying problems. Our body gives us the freedom to enjoy our life and feeling good about how we look and feel give us this ability. It will also help us to achieve greater health and wellbeing. Why not see if there is more lasting solution to what you are facing with a full nutritional assessment.
Bach Flower essences are made from extracts of flowers/plants and have a positive effect on mental and emotional imbalances.
Dr Edward Bach discovered this healing method which has the ability to change a negative emotion into a positive one. Single remedies or a combinations of the essences can be mixed into a treatment bottle and taken as drops on the tongue or in drinks to help specific problems relating to various negative states of mind. They will typically be needed for 3-4 weeks. You may be familiar with the words ‘Rescue Remedy’ which is a combination of 5 Bach Flower Remedies and is used in times of shock, trauma fear and mental stress.
Antioxidants are our immune systems first line of defence, neutralising and protecting our cells from the destructive effects of free radicals as well as slowing down the ageing process. Getting antioxidant nutrition right is key to your health and beauty routine and will leave you looking and feeling great!
Scientists have discovered a way, for the first time ever, to measure our antioxidant status in a non invasive and accurate way.
Antioxidant screening is £25, lasting up to 30 minutes, includes advice based on your individual scan score.
Give me a call today to find out what knowing your antioxidant score could mean to you and to book an appointment.